Usually blog posts that I write are mostly concentrated on boxing techniques and tactics, but today I want to focus on how to increase your longevity in the sport of boxing. When you've been in the boxing game long enough, you’re bound to hear the expression, "You play baseball, you play basketball, but you don't play boxing." With that in mind, it is inevitable that we can get lost in thought about technique, tactics, and methods of conditioning the body. The first thing that we often lose sight of, however, is the reason why we started down this road to begin with.
“On the road to where you are going, never lose sight of why you began”
Boxing, unlike many other competitive sports, is unique in the sense that it not only taxes you physically but also emotionally and psychologically. When you box you’re forced to examine yourself under the most severe and unforgiving of microscopes. I've seen first hand countless talented boxing prospects fall by the wayside because of the inability to deal with this type of daily pressure. I myself can recall multiple instances where boxing began to feel more like a job instead of something that brought joy and fulfillment to my life. I began to dread training and in the solitude of my thoughts I asked myself why am I doing this in the first place.
These are the exact moments that you have to stop and look back to remember how this journey all began; you have to find the reason why you fell in love with this sport in the first place. For a lot of us, it was the feeling of freedom or the challenge of facing another person in the most basic of human interactions. Whatever your reason was, it was the thing that brought you back each training session, it was the thing that lit the fire in your heart and spirit. Never losing touch with that feeling is what will help to ensure that you can continue to approach this art with a positive and engaged mental attitude. So the next time you're feeling burnt out by training and can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, think back to the first time you laced up the gloves and find what made you feel that way.
Keep it simple and keep on punching.
#reigncityathletics #rcaboxing #seattleboxing